Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Teaching of Water

Water always flow,
following the vertical line,
without hesitation,
without thought,
only by an instinctive attraction.

Water always flow,
going through the path
of least resistance,
moment after moment.

Water always flow,
along the mountains slopes
meetings rocks and stones on the way,
never asking "Why?" "How?" or "When?"
never fighting against,...

...always victorious,
in all situations finding the path of least resistance...
in all circumstances led by an irresistible law of life.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What is called "Divine mana"?

What is called "mana" is the surge of life itself, the flow of the Source. It is always manifested as experience, be it any experience : money, food, sleep, making love, meeting people in the street, all is "mana". Mana flows even when we are not in a "zero" state of mind. Want it or not mana flows. It cannot not flow, it is life itself manifesting as "present".

The only thing which happens when we are in a "state of memory replaying" is that we do not notice those things happening to us are "mana".We put on it other names and emotions and consider it instantly within the frame of our duality thinking (good or bad, I accept or reject). That's how we lose chances to erase our limitations and it is the way we everyday limit or spoil the nurturing aspect of every experience sent to us. For example, seeing pigeons in a park is pure manifestation of mana but what we do from seeing the pigeons will be affected by our memories of the past replaying (we go from "neutral zero" to memories"). An old person could enjoy giving bread to pigeons because they allow her to feel loved and less lonely while some other persons may hate pigeons, some may not even notice them because other thoughts may be more important for them...

So "mana" is reality unfolding as pure unlimited potential for sensation and emotion. It is what religions call the VERB of God. It is said it has to be heard in "the desert" which is the state of a mind free from any concept. Mana will be received in the state of absolute newness called "zero" or associated with old data (con-fusion). The point of view of the subject experiencing it will always determine if the experience is "open" and creative or "closed" and conservative (Divine or human).

Sunday, March 3, 2013

God is My Self

Just my I AM...a pure sense of being...
the direct intuition of a presence
of a watcher behind the watcher I AM...:

That is is our point of power
it is the surge of pure love, the Christ within...
We can replace the name "Christ" by
I in all contexts...

"It is not me but the "I"
who live my life..."

Our practice should be continuous,
just reminding : "I AM" in all circumstances
even when we feel "in hell"...

I remember : "I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life."
The "I" is within me now and forever.
As consciousness, it contains all, seing, hearing, understanding, feeling.
No consciousness, no life...

The consciousness I AM is instantly and directly available,
right now.
I do not wait for something outside,
there is nothing new outside...
Only old ideas taking shape.

I stay in touch with the I.
I am the I...
I do not ponder, do not resist, ideas are fleeting phantoms. All experiences are changeable, it is only the play of mind, ideas, memories replaying forever...
They affect a part of me so I don't have to fight against those emotions they bring trying to convince myself saying "it is not true".
Yes, it is true, but it is true only for the mind....
The mind can be in hell but I can walk through the flames without being affected,
the condition is  only not to engage in the mind chit-chat.

I have to remember :  "I AM my I AM and I know all the rest is memories replaying..."

That is the way to stay consciously centered in the unformulated pool of my I AMness, the embrace of my SELF CONSCIOUSNESS...
This is what contains everything.

My I AM is the eternal power we call GOD because we need a word to express this unthinkable power...
I should not be fooled by this word, I stay in touch...I don't look for it somewhere else than in myself, I don't wait for it : it IS here and now, I am it...
It is the power of the NOW itself, unfolding in my presence...

This part of our identity is always feeling GOOD and acting good, moment by moment.
That's the reason why we call it GOD.

But I should always remind myself that It is experienced directly, not as a concept, not as an idea.
I feel it with all my body :
"Never will I leave you nor forsake you"

The way to stay in touch with this part of myself is to ask the simple question :
"How would the Absolute Divine power react in such a situation?"

I Keep in touch with this,
it is the way to clean away all my limited and conditioned thoughts
this keeps me in touch with the protective, all powerful I AM within myself....

Friday, March 1, 2013

Stop begging, start living

Experience itself is what is called MANA...That is the true Richness because it contains what we essentially are and need NOW. It is the expression of our being in the NOW.

The concept of  the so called "law of attraction" tend to attach people to Dreams and expectations. They expect money, love or happiness so they miss it. Believing in the Law of attraction somehow put pressure on people because it is still part of trying to change the dream within the dream. When we expect, we are still in a state of we are not fully living the PRESENT. We experience the illusion of a state of lack of something.

On the contrary, if I think : "As Divine Creator I have all the benedictions I need right now. I am always in my Divine present and I accept it." I realize myself in the flow. I let go and let my Divine essence do the work the way it SHOULD.

The only objective of  what is called "clearing" is to keep me in touch with my present. I have to awaken to the fact that the present is the reality of GOD manifested for me. It is the reason why it is called the PRESENT. The Present is what, as Divine beings, we offer at all moments to ourselves, for our best enjoyment...

Feeling frustrated by our PRESENT is a feedback which allows us to become conscious that some outdated ideas within us are Now generating an illusion of separation and lack of something. 

This gives us our chance to ask the subconscious part of our mind to erase those ideas by saying or thinking or feeling something like :  

"Thank you for awakening me to the limitation I am creating to myself now, I ask you dear subconscious to erase all ideas involved in the making of that illusion in the data bank of my mind. Bring me back to Zero, to my pristine nature so I can get from my present all the joys it contains, Now! And it is Done..."

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My body is not a trash box...

My body is my precious, unstained vehicle, transporting me from experience to experience.

Experience is like food...There is no "good food" or "bad food",
it all depends on the way I am digesting...
There is no good or bad experience either, it's all a question of digestion, assimilation and elimination...

All experiences bring us "knowledge". We are always enriched by experience.
I repeat it in bold and capital : "WE ARE ALWAYS ENRICHED BY EXPERIENCE"
There is no error, no wrong way. All is about acceptation, digestion, assimilation and elimination.

If I live an experience and think it is bad, I start by a non acceptation of reality and this keeps me stuck...
It is what is called "indigestion"...When I have an indigestion, the more I think "I should not have eaten this", the more I will feel bad...

On the contrary, if I open up and think "Ok, let the system do the digestion, the assimilation and the elimination" things will evolve naturally.

But we have a strange tendency... we keep people, anger, frustration within the system. Some people keep old traumas like family jewels...They talk about it, remember it...

This is nothing else than a trash box. Anything we wish to keep from the past goes in the trash box and the trash box is buried within our subconscious. After a while, it stinks but we are not aware of it...

We finally become aware when the smell is strong enough to bring troubles...
We get sick or our relationships get bad, our life gets frustrating...
This happens when our body-mind system gets full...

Any experience is like a meal; we eat, enjoy it or do not enjoy it, then we let our stomach and our intestines do the job so we are able to move to the next meal...

That's what our old friend Moses was telling to the Hebrews about the Mana : The mana is for today, it should not be stored nor kept until the morning...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

How can it be so pleasant and easy to make money?

It is interesting to see that a large part of the so called "spiritual healers"are making promises about making huge money by using secret universal laws. I get almost every day, junk mails about how to attract more of it. Those messages are sent by first row "spiritual luminaries" trying to sell me products or programs supposed to clear all my lacks.

In the past, Moses had to react very severely against the return of the Golden Calf. He was guiding his people to "Jerusalem" which means "Dwelling place of peace" and not to an "Universal Bank"pouring banknotes and gold. Moses was not against gold and money but he was just trying to convince his people that unbreakable peace is the only place where it is safe to build a temple.

20 years ago, when I did my first steps in the Business world in Tokyo (Japan), letting behind the safety of my job at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I had only one motivation, giving people something that nobody else was giving them. I liked to cook and entertain so I started the project of a very unique restaurant located in a private house.

The seed was only the pleasure to give and share something that was boiling in me. I did not apply any recipe based on the law of attraction, I did not even think about "being spiritual", I was just feeling that my passion was supportive enough to guide me.

And it worked. I spent 10 years in a synchronistic flow. I found the perfect house in an area absolutely remote from any business spot. In the middle of nothing I started without any doubt. I knew that a lot of people are looking for unique things and what was in my imagination was so unique that I was feeling already in Jerusalem.

Peace was on me and around me and when we opened, the first 15 days without any customer, this did not affect my mood. I used this free time to paint, complete the garden, build the last shelves. I acted from the center of my excitement the same way as the sun shines: without any concern about being successful in lighting the world. Shining naturally was enough.

A month later, the Buzz was started. Magazines got mad about our concept, our decoration, our kitchen, our food. I had interviews almost everyday so people started to book to be sure to get a table. We had famous designers as regular patrons. The team was only 4 people working hard, then 5 and 6. We were becoming a legend.

After 3 years we opened our second shop then our 4th one. Our team was now around 35 persons all strongly motivated by a mission : enjoying and giving enjoyment. The only spiritual concept we had was "giving" full power with an attention to all the details. I was teaching my staff : "Always give the best of yourself to yourself so if you died by surprise while doing the presentation of a dish you would die in peace with your heart: "JERUSALEM".

I have nothing against selling programs about "how to make more money" but it actually sounds to me that our 3 dimensional world is now looking for something else. Our "material" dimension is a level of expression. Expression means giving. Coaching to more abundance is a gimmick, the snake is biting his tail.

If we had more banks, securities companies and brokers than people working to create goods and services the whole system would crack. That is what is happening in the world right now, people act in fear, they don't follow their dreams, they are in a collective research of security : it is the return of the old golden calf and the false gods of an illusory prosperity based on itself.

If you look around you will see that all prosperous businesses are healthy because they are not mainly motivated by money. They are led by passion, by purpose. Staying open to our passions and giving them shape and expression is the way to our "Jerusalem". I remember walking in my first restaurant and feeling : "Oh my..., how can it be so pleasant and easy to make money?"

Saturday, February 9, 2013

100% Responsibility (what does that mean?)

I see through my meetings with people, in my consultations and workshops that the idea of accepting the now famous "100% responsibility" is often interpreted in a dangerously false perspective and not as the radically liberating attitude it should be.

Many people think the notion of responsibility in terms of "past". They see all the problems that occur in their "present" as a result of past mistakes, which singularly weight on their consciousness instead of alleviating it...

In fact, the concept of "100% responsibility" is purely related to the present experience: I live and assess the experience only in relation to my thoughts about the experience. I see that everything must necessarily pass through my mind to access my consciousness. I have power at any time to change my perspective and see the world as the « Other » sees it so I am able to "interpret" how my wife sees the world but it will always be a projection from my inner patterns of interpretations. If I think "you'll never change", this is only my own judgement and if I believe it is "real", my inner theater become frozen and frustrating. Too bad for me.

This is where "cleaning" and "erasing" within my "field" of awareness is useful if I don't want to stay trapped in a frustrating representation. I will never be able to "clean up" a conflict « outside » my Self but I can ask my subconscious to help me erase certain of my representations to update my reality filter. This will allow me to "de-freeze" my concept about the world ... My « reality »will then naturally change shape by itself from the now and in the now.

Without my interpretations, the world is forever blank and neutral. A cake on a table is only an object of the world absolutely equal with all others : chairs, animals, people, cars…. It is by entering into my consciousness that the cake will meet my "Responsibility". Is it" good "," fresh ", "do  I like it "... all will depend on me. And it is the same with society, politics, and my « reality » of everything. I am a filter through which everything enters my consciousness of the world. This process builds what we call "my reality".That’s all that is!...

From there I see that "100% responsibility" really means « 100% power» because when I know that all my ideas are only my own I understand the futility of the illusion of controling or manipulating  the outside. From this realization I will never act again as a victim of the outside world. The key of my "cell" is in my pocket and it can instantly become the key of my paradise (If I choose it).
"Am I responsible for my present at 100% or not?", it is at every moment the only question worth asking ...